MAES ART course

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In the week from the may 29th May to 2nd June at the Day Center Mali dom Zagreb, the founder of MAES therapy, Jean Pierre Maes held the first advanced course called Maes ART Course. Certified MAES therapists from different countries of the world were found in the same place with the aim of further learning and acquiring knowledge and skills in dealing with children at risk or developing the classification of cerebral palsy.
MAES therapy is specific in its approach to the analysis of the child's overall behavior and the creation of treatment guidelines. MAES therapy views the child through all components of development (gross and fine motor, sensory integration, cognition, communication, emotional state) with the aim of changing the child's motor behavior and directing his attention to the task set. The importance of the analysis is to recognize the original or primary difficulty that is consequently developing the secondary difficulties that the child with his growth and development pose a problem in everyday life. The purpose of this approach is to influence the main problem and to improve the quality of movement, motion and everyday functioning of the child. MAES therapy is definitely a holistic approach to working with children who develop cerebral palsy.
It was a week filled with mutual sharing of MAES therapists' knowledge and experience with the goal of their further advancement. Big thank you to the children and parents for their help.
